Dash & Cricket
Spring 2025
Dash pics
Cricket pics
HR Glenbrier's Riverboat Gambler SH WCX
For pictures, please browse through the album show below. Puppy pedigree on k9data
We are thrilled to announce this planned breeding and thank Holly Krohn (Dash's Owner) for the opportunity to breed Dash to Cricket. This litter will be raised in Black Creek, BC by Cricket's Owner Annette Caspar and Cricket's Breeder Barbara Loree. Puppy reservations are available, preference is given to Performance, Field/Hunt Test, Hunting, Working and Pet Homes who are active and experienced with higher energy puppies. Contact Barb Loree for more information and puppy app.
Our goal for this breeding is to produce intelligent versatile retrievers that are structurally sound, athletic, biddable and wonderful family hunting companions that could compete in any performance venue including field, obedience, agility, tracking etc. , SAR.
Both Dash and Cricket have A LOT to offer! They are both very focused, biddable dogs with tons of drive to retrieve, great work ethic, strong water dogs, fun loving personalities and solid Golden temperaments. Paired together, these should be some fun puppies for experienced homes, we are very excited! The puppy pedigree is a wonderful blend of field and performance Goldens.
Information about Dash from his owner Holly Krohn;
Dash is a young dynamic male, who is just over 22” tall and weighs approximately 56 lbs.
He has a strong level top line and well-balanced angles. His head with correct ear set, dark eyes, and great pigment give him a kind expression.
Dash is a willing partner, who learns quickly and is up for any game.
In the field, he is an excellent marker, who is biddable on blinds. He’s extremely comfortable in water, holds great lines, and has a powerful water entry. He is quick and agile. He is also training well in competitive obedience.
Dash is an easy keeper with a lovely off-switch and a nice temperament. He is the cuddliest dog we have had and a joy to live with.
Dash has no known allergies.
We have watched Dash train at Swamp Dog Farm and he is a confident young up and coming dog that loves to run. He has tons of natural talent and easily picked up his AKC SH, WCX and UKC HR. He is a very good marking dog and runs with lots of style and strong water entry. We look forward to watching this dog as his field career has only just begun.
VISIT Cricket's page on this website: For information about Cricket from her Owner Annette Casper & Breeder Barb Loree
Dash Clearances OFA Website & Cricket's Clearances OFA Website
Both Dash and Cricket have OFA Hip Clearances - Scrabble Excellent Hips & Cricket Excellent Hips. Both have Normal OFA Elbow clearances; Yearly OFA Eye Clearances, OFA Heart clearances by Cardiologist and Normal thyroid function.
Both have no skin allergies and no seizures or other auto-immune disorders.
Genetics; Both Dash & Cricket are NCL Clear, ICT Clear, PRA-1 Clear, PRA-Prcd Clear, PRA-2 Clear, DM Clear.